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Undergraduate @ Oxford

Incoming PhD student @ MIT

Email: xbai AT

Xingjian Bai

I am an undergraduate student at Oxford, studying Mathematics and Computer Science. With some research experience in online algorithms and generative models, my research primarily explores a blend of classical algorithms and machine learning, including topics like learning-augmented algorithms and the theoretical studies of machine learning models. I am driven by projects that have the potential to make a scientific impact.

During my time at Oxford, I have had the privilege of working with Jan Obloj, Christian Coester, Christian Rupprecht, and Luke Melas-Kyriazi. I also spent a rewarding summer at Stanford, collaborating with Jiajun Wu, Weiyu Liu, and Joy Hsu. Outside of my academic pursuits, I enjoy jogging and playing tennis. I also engage in programming competitions.

Collaborators: I am eager to learn from and collaborate with individuals from diverse backgrounds. If you would like to discuss something, please don’t hesitate to reach out! You can contact me via email or schedule a time to chat through Chatting Time.


Feb 2024: Our paper, Fixed Point Diffusion Models, is accepted at CVPR'24!