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Undergraduate @ Oxford

Incoming PhD student @ MIT

Email: xbai AT

Xingjian Bai

I am an undergraduate student at Oxford, pursuing a degree in Mathematics and Computer Science. My research primarily explores the intersection of classic algorithms and modern optimisation algorithms, including topics such as learning-augmented algorithms and the theoretical foundations of optimisation models. I am motivated to conduct research that has the potential of making a significant scientific impact.

During my time at Oxford, I have had the privilege of working with Prof. Jan Obloj, Prof. Christian Coester, Prof. Christian Rupprecht, and Luke Melas-Kyriazi. I also spent a rewarding summer at Stanford, collaborating with Prof. Jiajun Wu, Dr. Weiyu Liu, and Joy Hsu. Outside of my academic pursuits, I enjoy jogging and playing tennis. I also engage in algorithmic programming competitions.

Collaborators: I am eager to learn from and collaborate with individuals from diverse backgrounds. If you would like to discuss something, I would be grateful to hear from you. Please feel free to contact me via email or schedule a time to chat through Chatting Time.


Feb 2024: Our paper, Fixed Point Diffusion Models, is accepted at CVPR'24!